Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

Look for the white walls.

Update if there are no white walls can wear a palm-sized paper (A4 or F4)
Warm the palm of your hand, and focus yourself serileks possible to exhale slowly until you feel your breath regularly, do your breathing rhythm was in accordance with a regular rhythm for 10-15 seconds.

Without losing the rhythm of your breathing, hold the palm of your hand to the wall.
Perform regular breathing, and imagine the flow of energy in your body to the palm of your hand.
2 types of colors will look on the wall of the former palm of your hand, the color that describes your current Aura (MeJiKuHiBiNiU), or Pulau Pari you only see shadows White (aura is not yet fully formed).

If someone radiant red aura means he filled nature of power and ego to achieve this is often restrained red kesuksesan.Warna little future, of the environment in which the family is forced to conform to the ideals of family, so it looks cloudy and berantakan.Setelah growing up and able independent living, his aura will spread and he will be able to do what he was supposed to do.

People who have a background color of red aura, its like memrintah, responsible and have the nature of a leader. Have the nature of love and warmth to others. Red also signifies berani.Sifat negative nature of the color red is skittish.

Orange (Pink)
Someone who is radiant aura is orange, then he has kepedulian.Mempunyai nature nature intuitive abilities, discreet and easy to get along. The color orange has properties as a peacemaker, considerate, practical. Negativity is the orange color, lazy, can not afford and do not care.

Someone who pancaranya yellow aura, have an enthusiastic and exciting properties. Thinking quickly and entertain others. Glad to get together, enjoy a long conversation. Glad to learn but its just trial and error so pengetahuanya only skin deep. The color yellow also liked the idea and expression. Negative nature of the color yellow is shy and likes to lie.

ika person's Agen Judi Online aura glow green, then he has a cool and peaceful nature and he was also gifted to be a natural healer. His manner was cooperative, trustworthy, and generous. Green nature like the challenge, worked tirelessly, easy to turn to for help. Negativity is rigid in looking at every issue.

2 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

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Monocular Experts mengatakan...

Nice this blog is very help full.

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