agribusiness cultivation of oil palm ( Elaeis guineensis Jacq . ) ,
Whether it is local or global market orientation , will be faced with
the demandsPulau Pramuka of product quality and environmental sustainability . Of course, in addition to the quantity of production . Well .. PT . Natural Nusantara with agrokompleksnya field , trying to play a role
in efforts to increase palm oil production presents the Technical
Guidelines of Oil Palm Cultivation Method is that always puts aspects of
quantity , quality and maintain environmental sustainability ( Aspects
of K - 3 ) .Terms Growing Palm Oil
1 . climate
Long exposures ranged sun 5-7 hours / day .
The annual rainfall average of 1500-4000 mm .
Optimum temperature at 24-280 C.
Ideal altitude between 1-500 meters above sea level .
Average wind speed of 5-6 km / h to help the process of pollination .
2 . Growing Media
Good soil that contains a lot of clay , has good aeration and also fertile .
Have a good drainage system , surface soil water deep enough ,
solum is also quite deep ( 80 cm ) , pH 4-6 , and the soil was not rocky
Latosol soil , Alluvial and Ultisol , peat soil , Pulau Tidungcoastal plains and river estuaries can also be used as oil palm plantations .
Technique and Method of Oil Palm Cultivation
1 . Oil Palm Nurseries
1.1 . seedingSprouts put polybag 12 × 23 or 15 × 23 cm containing 1.5-2.0 kg topsoil that has been sifted . Sprouts planted 2 cm deep . Land in polybags should always be moist . Save polybags in beds with a diameter of 120 cm . After the age of 3-4 months and 4-5 leafy strands Transplanting seedlings .Seeds of dederan moved into a polybag 40 × 50 cm 0.11 mm thick containing 15-30 kg of sifted topsoil . Before the seeds are planted , the soil flush with NASA POC 5 ml or 0.5 cap per liter of water . Polybag arranged in an equilateral triangle position with a distance of 90 × 90 cm .
1.2 . maintenance NurseriesWatering is done twice a day . Weeding 2-3 times a month or adapted to the growth of weeds . Seeds are not normal , diseased and have genetic abnormalities should be discarded . The selection is done at the age of 4 and 9 months .Fertilization at the time of seeding as follows :fertilizer Macro> 15-15-6-4 Week 2 & 3 ( 2 g ) ; weeks 4 & 5 ( 4gr ) ; weeks to 6 & 8 ( 6gr ) ; weeks 10 & 12 ( 8gr )>
12-12-17-2 Mingu to 14 , 15 , 16 & 20 ( 8 g ) ; Sunday to 22 , 24 ,
26 & 28 ( 12gr ) , weeks 30 , 32 , 34 & 36 ( 17gr ) , week 38 & 40 ( 20gr ) .> 12-12-17-2 Week 19 & 21 ( 4gr ) ; weeks 23 & 25 ( 6gr ) ; weeks to 27 , 29 & 31 ( 8gr )> NASA POC Start weeks 1-40 ( 1-2cc/lt water splashed perbibit 1-2 weeks ) .
Note : It would be better punctuated nursery / SUPERNASA plusPulau Pari 1-3 times the dose of 1 bottle to + 400 seedlings . 1 bottle SUPER NASA diluted in 4 liter ( 4000 ml ) of water used as mother liquor . Then every 1 liter of water was given 10 ml of mother liquor was for watering
Kamis, 20 Maret 2014
Running agribusiness cultivation of oil palm

1 komentar:
that's amazing, tq for this good article.
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