Jumat, 27 Desember 2013

Meningkatkan Pengunjung Blog Secara Teratur

On post How to Increase Blog Visitors Regularly I have tried many ways menggungkapkan little to increase traffic on your blog . pulau pari I do not try to use the SEO way weird , by registering strange sites and make improvements to the blog optimization unfairly . I emphasize here is , your goal to create a blog . You create a blog to convey your thoughts to others . And in order to , another person should easily find your blog .


My own blog is not as popular blogs that have hit thousands of visitors daily . Blogs I just visited an average of ten thousand unique monthly penggunjung . And until now , the total is more than a hundred thousand people who visit . But is not the point , we want once again is , how the message or thought , or hope we can be channeled through this medium .

For that , we need to make our blog a little easier to find , here I add some steps that might be taken to

Flagship Post

In the maritime world , the flagship can be interpreted as the core ships , command ships , or ships at the center of the entire fleet . In a blog , make sure you have at least one fruit flagship wisata pulau pari post . That is , the post is something that really be the mainstay of your blog and be more than the value of postings on other blogs . For example , you have a penchant for cooking , then make a post about a certain cooking recipes unique and never found in other blogs .

I myself am a fan of history , science , and conflict . Then flagship post on my blog unique is three things anyhow . And try , the messages displayed by the image support , and appropriate title ( such as my suggestion in the previous post ) .

Reply to Comment With Constructive Dialogue

Comments on your blog is not a thing that should be ignored . The comments are , at a certain stage can also raise the rating on your blog . The more links of other bloggers on display , and for the reference of your blog will increase . However , that's not actually the most important . By building constructive comments , you are not only encouraged to try to think more critically , but also to review the post and writing your own .

Often your posts on the blog are not perfect , and there are comments on each of your blog posts can be a feedback to the quality of the post. The impact of increasing the quality of writing is , your writing will be increasingly sought after and used by reference , not only by other bloggers , but also information seekers agent pulau pari morning on the internet . In other words , the netters or netizens or whatever his name .

Be a Good Listener and Learner

" Seek knowledge even unto the land of china " Something like that wise words of Arabic ago in response to scientific inquiry . In the Arab world the tempo , the country of China is the country furthest imaginable . Literally, it means we can, look for science to the ends of the world and do not ever give up .

I diligently followed the Crash Course History uploaded on Youtube . One of them tells of attack Persia to Greece ( which you may remember in the movie 300 ) . In ancient times , stories of epic as we know it is perpetuated by Herodotus or Plato or any number philosopher of his time. And the host , John Green , also referred to them as "The first of bloggers world ! "

Why is referred to as a blogger ? Not as a competent chronicler like now ? Or a scientist who wrote a critical reference to ?

Philosopher wrote the story in ancient Greece , inventions , and their history in a form that is so easy to understand . Until a novice can easily absorb the intended purpose of the writing . It makes them so memorable writings and studied up to the medieval ( or even now ) . Sometimes also they menggungkapkan their knowledge by means of dialogue , perhaps in addition to bloggers , they can also be referred to as the first novelist in history : D

Writing an information in a blog should be done in a way that is easy to understand and simple . If you wish a detailed and detailed information about everything on the blog , then you are wrong places . Such information can be found in scientific journals .

With the ease of understanding of your information on the blog , iklan ppc then the user will be easier to digest the message you want to convey in your writing . This is important , because every penggunjung are satisfied ( in the sense of getting the information they want on your blog ) will tend to have an affinity for back menggunjungi your blog .

Selasa, 24 Desember 2013

Ciri Seorang Wirausaha Sukses

If you ask about how the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, the answer is "always cultivate the habit of acting". Only one was alone.
Well, the habit of always acting was not easy. Therefore, I write
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down the 8 key success to cultivate the habit of acting from David J. Schwartz, author of best-selling book "Think Big and spirited".
The goal is clear, to allow you to cultivate the habit of always acting. Ok just, the following eight key action points which are the traits of a successful entrepreneur.
Be "aktivionis".
Be the one who did. Be executor, not vice versa.
Do not wait until the perfect situation as a failure.
All of it will never happen. Expect obstacles and difficulties that would confront and solve everything when it comes up. Remember, ideas alone will not deliver success. The idea or business idea will have value only if you execute it. Use action to eliminate the fear and gain confidence. Do what you fear and fear disappears. Try and see the results.
Start your mental engine mechanically pasang Iklan Online .
Do not wait until you move your soul. Take action, dig, and you move your soul.
Think in terms of now.
Avoid the habit of delaying. Tomorrow, next week, later, and similar words are often a synonym of the word failure is never. Be the kind of person that "I begin now".
Immediately act
Do not waste time preparing to act. Begin to act.
Take the initiative and be a pioneer
Take the initiative and do it. Be a volunteer. Show that you have the ability and ambition to do.
That's 8 tips cultivate the habit of acting success, the traits of successful entrepreneurs. And I hope after you read the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur above, act immediately.
Do what you have to do to start building a business right now.
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Do not most analyzes. (Bn / from various sources)

Minggu, 22 Desember 2013

Bagaimana Desain dan Membangun Mobile Website

Actually may no longer need to be given guide to create a website in blogger.com, because bloggers are now equipped with Indonesian, but that makes it easier for a beginner, then I will try to give a little guidance on how to create a website tour pulau pari / web blog on Blogger.

It's easy, just follow these 3 steps:
1. Creating a Google Account

The first step is to create a Google account is required to access the facility bloggers. If you already have a Google account such as Gmail, you can directly log in and skip this section.

There are some data that you need to fill include:

Email address: enter the email address that you have to create a Google account
Password: keywords that will be used to log in to Google acccount
Display name: The name that will appear on each of your blog posts, for example: a budding business

2. Filling Data Blog

Before filling the data blog, it helps you prepare the first website name and topic / focus of your website. Please read my notes on how to make a website free (FREE) to find out why this is important.
pulau pari To fill in data or identity that you create a blog, you just fill out:

The blog title: The title of our blog (try to contain the keywords that we want according to topic / focus websites)
Blog address (URL): shaped blog URL address (try to contain keywords as well)

3. Selecting Blog Template Display (blog)

The last step is to determine the template or blog that we want. For business needs, select the unsightly appearance of the blog, the writing is easy to read.

After the third step is completed, the next you can simply fill your blog content as desired. If this guide is not enough, you can see the video

Did you know that in today's world there are more than 5.9 billion mobile phone users, and a thousand more are growing every minute!

Approximately 20% of mobile phone owners (more than 1.2 billion and growing) have browsed the Internet through their mobile phones. This is the reason why mobile Web browsing is expected to be the next dominant platform internet.

Many companies have seen how promising the mobile platform and has been complete with a mobile website. A mobile web site at this time is not just a trend. It is estimated that in the future mobile sites will prove to be a necessity, even the new Internet standard. Currently, there are millions of WAP mobile users who surf the Internet. But, there is a very unfortunate when it turns out the number of mobile websites that focus on the consumer really load properly display the site in accordance mobile device used was very small.

This is because there is a special procedure in designing a mobile website. The following article is intended to help you get to know a little bit how to design and build a mobile website.
Site Mobile Users

The first step to create a successful mobile website is an understanding in looking at your site. Users of mobile sites are usually busy doing other activities such as waiting in line, driving, or spend time with friends. Their main focus is not necessarily on your website so that the information should be quick and easy to access.

The main difference between mobile and desktop users are mobile users surf the Internet in a situation of "on-the-go", where the user desktop in the fixed (stationary) and predictable.
Basic Principles of Mobile Website Design

First, you should know that the design and Jasa seo terbaik construction of web sites commonly used for computer browsers, and is not compatible with mobile devices. In order for your site to work well on mobile handsets, it must follow the accessibility design guidelines for building a mobile website that is set by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium).

The easiest way to build your mobile Website is to modify an existing website to be compatible for mobile handsets. If you decide to do it, then there will be major changes in terms of layout, design and construction.

Here are some principles about mobile web design you should consider before proceeding to build it:

Your site must use CSS in application layout to ensure maximum compatibility. Avoid using tables.
It's easy if your site is coded using either XML or XHTML, with a fixed character encoding is recommended to use UTF-8.
You have to consider that different mobile devices have different screen sizes. Always remember the layout concept "fluid" in mobile web design.
Do not forget to put all the information that is most important when mobile users see the top of the page such as site search and navigation. Try to create a mobile site design convenient for your customers.
The design for the finger. Click the target must be a minimum size of 30-40px and use the space between the elements to facilitate the ability to click.
Avoid background images ... because it can reduce readability in certain lighting conditions. Combining smaller images, such as icons, into one file and use css to use. This will help reduce the burden of a large load so that the display will be faster. Finally, reduce the image size (compression) and minimize javascript files.
Form can be difficult to use on mobile devices. Because the text will take some time to be able to get in when submitted, another alternative is the use of radio buttons and list (checklist), which can be easily selected. The position of the label at the top and not aligned on the left to save space. Remember! Most mobile browsers do not support plugins or extensions.
Lastly, the "less is more" applies to the design of the phone. Avoid using unnecessary graphics.


As you can see, there is much to consider when designing and building a mobile website. The principles of mobile design is different when compared to conventional web site design. If you do not have the time or patience to learn new coding practice, you can consider using the services of a web designer specializing in mobile website design.
Mobile Website Design Services

Web Design in Jakarta, a team of web developers and web designers we are fully capable of building and designing a mobile paket pulau pari version which is very important for your online assets.
If you currently do not have a mobile website, you are potentially missing out on potential consumers of the product / business.

Kamis, 19 Desember 2013

2 Most Profitable Sideline Business Type is based on my life as a civil servant

2 Most Profitable Sideline Business Type is based on my life as a civil servant (odd breadwinner) hahaha, I'm not a government employee or often called civil servants (civil servants), only odd result of these efforts would cover the costs of daily necessities.
This story happened when I met with an entrepreneur Pulau tidung dino Distributor Herbal medicine has been deceived by his partner of 470 million, then he got up to expand its business to other regions ultimately make him buy the services of the website, to make matters worse he also cheated. I finally ventured to give private support on the internet at last gradually expanded its business to overseas.
After reading her story of ups and downs, finally I could imitate her trail, which makes the online store. Effort, surely we've all been thinking how to start a Business, well because of the business we can get a sizable profit and of course you will also be free of corruption, other than that we can advance our own country
I think Most Profitable Sideline Business Type Shop Online is made, although there are still many out there these kinds of side business.
agen pulau tidung For Business Type Side Online Store I only sell products with a shirt and Herbal Drugs Wholesale System, I consider it easier to manage, because many online stores on the internet that offer services DROPSHIPPING. With this system we do not need a stock of goods, For more details on dropshipping please understand the diagram below.
Online Businesses Dropshipping Online Businesses
Simply Business Side 2 that I run, now just how to develop a side business types above, if you want to try and focus through it, not something that is difficult to be successful, is not it.? Hopefully this article useful.

Business opportunities in the countryside available in several options. Businesses that could be run there course different from existing businesses in the major cities. Because the atmosphere and also their lifestyle is much different. In the countryside tend to do a lot of work is still to be farmers, ranchers, and later became sellers in their traditional markets pulau tidung . Business opportunities in rural Business opportunities in rural

Senin, 16 Desember 2013

Traffic Information

Traffic Information - Who would not want to be crowded blog visitors ? Blog visitors or visitors is something that can be said is vital for the blog . Without a blog visitor also no use . Not correct ?Well this time I will share a bit of information that I get from various sources for you all . Listen well yes obat pembesar penis vimax .
How to Bring Many Visitors Blog
How to Bring Many Visitors Blog

Write quality articles and original so it has character and characteristics that are sought after people write . Titles and descriptions that attract the readers to know more because of unique or intriguing .
Make links between articles as much as possible , so as to form a braid article . If there is one article of interest to visit and in the article there is a link to another article , the majority of visitors will visit the other articles. And of course this will make the value of blog page views increased.
Put a picture / image on each article because most of the visitors attracted to the image .
Write articles on a regular basis if you are able to at least 1 post per day . It will contain a good impression to readers / visitors , because they view the blog / web you are always updated per day , and chances are they would come back for the next day so as not to feel left out or posting tips / tricks latest from your blog . In addition , active blog will fast indexed search engine obat pembesar penis ( google , yahoo , bing ) obat pembesar penis .
Template Design using attractive templates and seo friendly .
Loading Speeding Blog . To see the velocity Blog 've covered in this book . You try not to install a widget that does not necessarily need to be damning blog . To optimize the images to be uploaded for not too large byte her .
Make comments on your blog is easy and convenient while maintaining the seo optimization .
Submit your blog by way of multiple submit sitemap to search engines , such as Google and Bing / Yahoo .
Commenting on the blog / web others . Look for blogs that many visitors , the more visitors the more likely your blog will be visited . How: If available , choose a URL link facilities in the comments box . Fill in the URL with the address of the homepage or one of your blog articles . NAME Fill your blog with keywords or keyword from the URL that you entered earlier article . Give comments that provide additional information , or questions , or suggestions and constructive criticism , so the blog owner will be happy and can be visited . Similarly blog visitors will be curious who this is commented .
Join Forums and Community Active in forums that you follow and conform to your blog , and of course, do not ever do spam , because it is forbidden and inevitably your membership in the Forum will be removed .
Use the domain name if it really wanted to get serious with your blog / web , then use the domain name in order to impress the professional that draws the reader to click . In the selection of the domain , which is common use , such as ( . . Com, net , etc. ) and the domain name is simple ( short ) , and is also easy to remember . More details read tips on determining the name and address of the blog .
Take advantage of existing media , such as yahoo answer , google the question and answer , and submit new articles to social bookmarking websites , such as lintasberita.com , sinergibisnis.com , digg.com , twitter.com , facebook.com , google plus , and so on jual obat pembesar penis vimax.
Deepen SEO Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) is important to increase traffic visits from search engines .
Source: http://rumpitekno.com/2013/trik-mendatangkan-pengunjung-ke-blog-anda/A few articles How to Bring Many Visitors Blog , if this article useful , relevant like and comment below . And please bantuaanya to develop this blog by means of Traffic Information follow the blog with your email . There Dummy Blog Creation Services Offers also , read more on Cheap Dummy Blog Creation Services. investasi online

Jumat, 13 Desember 2013

What are the consequences if unsafe abortions ?

Make sure your pregnancy with ultrasound tests . Perform an ultrasound test at the hospital or clinic and ask for the results of ultrasound in print form . Ensure gestation contained in the print result . Gestational age and the method of determining the price of an abortion . Often clinic lying to clients with specific mention of gestational age that women pay more expensive obat aborsi .
If you visit the clinic , check with your own eyes whether the clinical condition in accordance with the standards of the clinic clean and safe . If you are confused , follow your intuition , if the clinic is clean enough or not . See the movement of nurses and doctors . Ask how they clean medical devices . If in doubt , do not be afraid to leave the clinic and look elsewhere.
Note whether the doctor or nurse to offer counseling or not . For those who are convinced by the decision of abortion , counseling may be quite annoying . But if clinics provide counseling services is one indicator that the clinic has a good perspective relating to the rights and health . Clinic who just want to take advantage of your situation would be happy if you take the abortion decision easily , because it can make money for them .
If you order a drug , ask a lot of things associated with drug use and risk procedures that may occur . If the seller can not provide an explanation of drugs , it could be he just knows selling , do not risk your health by trusting the merchant . All you need is someone who can explain the proper protocols , describes the various risks that may occur and how to avoid or overcome them .
MA is only effective up to 12 weeks gestation . MA for gestational age above 12 weeks must be based on consultation and supervision of a doctor . So , do not believe the drug sellers could declare abortion with the drug until the age of 6 months of pregnancy . Remember , the definition of abortion is up to 20 weeks gestation alat obat aborsi.
As an illustration , if you have an abortion in a clinic or hospital that is legal , you will undergo pre- abortion consultation to make sure you know the risks and possibilities that could happen , at the time of the abortion procedure is done you will receive a series of medical procedures that have met the medical standards , among others in doing anesthesia which can reduce excessive pain so that you avoid the possibility of traumatic . In addition you will also undergo treatment for several days after an abortion in which the state of your health will be continuously monitored to ensure there is no excessive bleeding or infection . Usually you will be given medication or injections of antibiotics to reduce the infection and the blood booster vitamins to replace blood loss through bleeding . A few weeks or a month later after the abortion procedure you still have to do a check - up to ensure your condition completely recovered as before .
Unlike the picture above , when you do the abortion clinic abortion illegal , you usually only come on when the abortion procedure and after the procedure is done you will go home or at least only an overnight stay . Even in some cases many abortion done in a hotel room on rent only for a few hours after doing so you're forced abortion should immediately check - out . In more severe cases , even the act of abortion is often done without given painkillers or anesthesia . Usually the doctor or midwife will only provide you with some drug or antibiotic pills and vitamins blood booster .
What are the consequences if unsafe abortions ? Often , abortions performed by non- expert people who will use methods and tools are not appropriate . For damage and force the fetus out , the uterus will be massaged and enter tools or objects into it . This tool is often a sharp object , has been polluted and not clean . For example, bamboo , piercer or a hose that does not often make the sterile uterine infection . As a result , in addition to contact with the infection , the uterus can be damaged or torn and bleeding can happen next , continuously and permanently damaged her uterus . So if abortion is not performed by a person skilled then the first possibility that will happen is an infection of the uterus due to the equipment used was not clean . The second possibility is going to happen and continuous bleeding due to uterine destroyed . Keep in mind , that there is fetal uterus will be filled with blood vessels that distribute food for the baby . When destroyed, this blood vessel tissue will be damaged and bleeding difficult to stop. The third possibility , the uterus will continue to expend blood and other fluids . It would be fatal for the mother if not be helped . Meanwhile, the unhealthy state of the uterus can develop into persistent infections , the growth of new cells , the growth of malignant cells and others bisnis online .
Post- abortion check-up should be done to ensure that the abortion was complete and return a health condition as before . The absence of follow-up after an abortion procedure would greatly endanger the woman 's health later in life , even in some cases of death due to excessive bleeding . In some women may not be visible abnormalities due to unsafe abortion procedures but does not mean no , it is usually an infection or trauma will appear a few months or a few years into the future , just do not notice it much later .

Rabu, 11 Desember 2013

How to Get a Good Backlink

How to Get a Good Backlink - Good evening bloggers and webmasters this time the author of Science and Information Technology will discuss about How to bisnis internet Get a Good Backlink | How to Lose Your Alexa Rank With Easy . In the world of bloggers we often compete to get quality backlinks blog page let us often in the first SERP on google search engine . And aside from that the bloggers also want to have a slim Alexa rank as a blogger trend blogger let me say that quality has a alexa rank slim .How to Get a Good Backlink | How to Lose Your Alexa Rank Easily

Blogwalking to blog alexa alexa lower than we could otherwise carelessly . Please feel free to leave comments with active links . Remember ! ! on this page do not leave an active link ya : P
Update blog at least one article a day that is unique and interesting readers .
Optimize your blog every day using a particular script that quickly indexed by google . If you want to know the script please click here .

Well my friend was a little explanation on How to Get a Good Backlink | How to Lose Your Alexa Rank With Easy . Hope can provide benefits to friends wherever they are and if there is not understand , please leave comments below . Help also like facebook fanspage Science Information Technology And yes friends .
There are several advantages that you can get with the build quality backlinks :
1 . Overflow traffic from the visitors of your site that link .2 . Link Popularity is one of the important factors considered by Google to determine the Page Rank of a site .3 . The higher the Page Rank of your site , the higher Google will put your web page on google search results . So you will get a flood of free traffic from google search results .
Why I call quality backlinks ?Simple , because there is no mechanism how to build quality backlinks that are not (eg FFA Subimtter links , etc. ) that quickly build thousands of backlinks to your site , but the link is not coming from sites that have good content and are relevant to your site .
Quality backlink is a backlink from a site that has quite a lot of content ( not just a collection of links / link farming) and the content is relevant to your site content .
obat aborsi Here are 6 ways that we can do to build quality backlinks to your site .
1 . Submit to Directory
This is probably the most classic which used long ago on the Internet . If you target the Indonesian market you can find these directories Indonesia with google , just type " directory Indonesia " or " directory + main keyword ( product / service ) you " , then it will appear online directories that you can use to register address your url .
For the international market , the process is almost the same , but because there are very many , you can prioritize your link registration in directories that have a high Page Rank ( to see the page rank of a site you can install the Google Toolbar on your browser ) .
If you do not have time to register your link on hundreds of directories , you can use that directory registration services are also widely available on the Internet . Registration services which we suggest is that the registration is done by humans , not by machines / script program . One registration services and prices that are pretty good sevicenya : Article Aware ( affiliate link ) .
2 . Article Marketing
The concept of article marketing is , you make short articles ( 400-600 words ) , then the article you submit to article directories that are widely available on the Internet . At the end of your article , you can attach a resource box that contains your name as the author of articles, stories and a glance you know about your site at the same link . If your registration is accepted by the article directories then your article will be listed on the directory there are ( at the same link of your site ) .
And if you are indeed very interesting article , your article can be used by ezine publishers or bloggers from around the world to fill their websites , of course keeping you include the resource box at the article . If this happens viral effect , the number of backlinks you will grow quickly .
If you target the Indonesian market , the best way is you are submitting your article in Seconds Publishing . If you are targeting the international market , you can find article directories on the Internet by typing "Article Directory " on Google . One article directories that I recommend are: Ezine Articles .
The disitus you can also observe how the powerful publisher makes obat telat bulan interesting articles and how they use their resource box properly .
The first obstacle that is usually faced by the article marketers (call for serious marketers who run this strategy ) is to distribute the articles which made ​​to hundreds of article directories that exist on the Internet .
The next obstacle is related to the ' mystery algorithm ' google in dealing with duplicate content ( duplicate content ) . I call it a mystery because it is actually a google penalty given to sites that contain duplicate content with other websites still can not be certain truth , that as far as I'm concerned .
The problem is , when you distribute the same article to hundreds Exact article directory on the Internet , you have the ' risk ' that you are in the hundreds of pages of articles that directory will be de - indexed by Google because it was detected as duplicate content , which in the end , your backlinks in that article be calculated by google .
To resolve the above 2 problems at once , I recommend two article distribution service that I think is worthy enough for you to test , please visit the Article Post Robot ( = affiliate link ) or Unique Article Wizard ( = affiliate link ) for more information .
3 . link Baiting
Link baiting is the most elegant way because that was really grow naturally link (natural linking ) . The concept is simple , which is how do you create content sites that naturally became the talk of the visitors of your site and naturally also the site visitors and then tell you the complete content of your site with backlinks to your site is , in the world of marketing , this may rather be called also word of mouth marketing , viral marketing or buzz marketing .
The effect could be a discussion on content and link your site in online forums , on blogs , on social bookmarking services such as del.icio.us , simpy , furl , digg , etc. .
Here are some interesting articles to come up with ideas to make link baiting content : Link Bait , The Art of Linkbaiting , Linkbaiting for Fun and Profit .
4 . link Exchange
Jasa seo Link exchange is also probably one of the classic method which is powerful enough to build links . To be effective , I think the key is just doing link exchanges with sites that have the same topic (niche market / niche market ) to your website / blog and prioritize sites / blogs that have good Page Rank .
There is nothing wrong if you do an exchange with the site as much as possible , but this strategy you will be quite tiring and ineffective according to google , 10 backlinks from sites that are relevant to you will be much better with hundreds of backlinks that come from sites that the topic does not connect with you are .
If your target market targeting Indonesia , you can actively exchange links with other bloggers Indonesian . How do I find it? please go to google - > search blogs - > select only blogs in Indonesian language , type in " link exchange " or " link exchange " .
If you want to exchange links with International website , which I suggest is a service Metro Link or Links Junk .
5 . Blog Commenting
Commenting on other blogs is one of the most favorite ways bloggers made ​​by Indonesia to build backlinks . This method is very easy , free and naturally very enjoyable as well as build friendships with fellow bloggers .
Would not hurt you to comment kesebanyak blogs you might encounter , but once again much more effective if you prioritize the postings that have the same topic / niche market / niche market with you and the blogs that have high page rank ( not least blogs that have page rank 7 ) .
How do I find these blogs ? please go to google - > search blogs - > select only blogs who speak Indonesian or other appropriate language your target market , type in a topic / niche market / niche you , will emerge blogs that you can comment . To check the page rank of a site you can download and use the free Google Toolbar reply .
How professional is that more you use software like Fast Blog Finder ( = affiliate link ) , which can quickly find the blogs that you are following setema with other important information including their Page Rank .
6 . Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is probably the newest way that many carried out by the Internet Marketer to build backlinks .
The concept is , you bookmark your sites on Web 2.0 sites (social media ) that is currently emerging on the Internet quickly . Sites such as digg , del.icio.us , furl , simpy , onlywire , etc. , where you can store and mensharing your bookmarks and news online , and then other members can do the rating of the content that you submit , usually called web 2.0 sites .
Guidelines for social media ( Web 2.0 ) marketing which I think is very good and can open your eyes you know about this case is the Authority BlackBook ( = affiliate link ) which was composed by Jack Humphrey and can be downloaded for free .