Senin, 30 Juni 2014

Valanga nigricornis and Grastrimargus marmoratus

Valanga nigricornis and Grastrimargus marmoratus. Despite the damage caused is not so serious, but in a large population of these pests can reduce production.

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Biologically, a predator that can memberantasnya among other birds.

There is a spur-shaped holes in young leaves that have not been opened and the base of the leaf.

Oryctes rhinoceros. Mite infestation is quite dangerous Jiak occur in young plants, because if we reach the point of causing the growth of a foul disease and death. But if only eat the leaves will only cause damage to the leaves mature.

Preventive hygiene with independent garden, especially around plants. The litter and dead trees burned, so that the larvae of mites die.
Biological eradication using Metharrizium anisopliae fungus and virus Baculovirus Oryctes. Alternatively denagn predators such as the spread of beetles, flies, ants, termites, geckos, snakes, and birds.

Boring bunch of body
Young or old pieces of perforated look.

Moths Tirathaba mundella. This caterpillar pest of young brown to dark brown and reaches a length of approximately 4 cm. These mites lay their eggs in bunches, and after hatch, the larvae (caterpillars) will tap the oil palm fruit.
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In khemis, sprayed with independent insecticide containing the active ingredient triklorfon 707 g / l or Endosulfan 359 g / l. Insecticides, among others, are Dipterex 700 ULV and Thio and 35 EC with independent dose, 0.5 kg / ha dissolved in 370 l of biological air.pemberantasan dissemination fly predators and parasites.

Abnormal plant growth, especially in seedlings and young plants, for dead links at the point grows out of whack. In adult plants that already produce, fruit bunches of the crash and the flowers are still young.

Rat (Rattus tiomanicus, Rattus sp). These mites attack plants at all ages and menumbulkan does little damage

Roller Blindseradication
Rat mite is generally difficult to curb, for his very wide area. Eradication can be done emposan in their cages. Biologically by predators such as cats, snakes, owls (Ty to alba).

Senin, 23 Juni 2014

Swimming / Pemberokan place

Swimming / Pemberokan place. Is a fish cleaning place prior to shipping2. EquipmentThe tools commonly used in tilapia fish hatchery operations include: nets, waring (anco), hapa (box of net / nets to accommodate temporary parent or seed), Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercayaeser, buckets, basins of various sizes, small scales ( grams) and large (Kg), hoes, sickles, knives and plates secchi (secchi disc) to measure turbidity levels. While other equipment used to harvest / catch tilapia fish among others are warring / scoopnet smooth, sieve panglembangan 100 cm diameter, 5 cm diameter sieve penandean, a place to store fish, kemplung cages, cages kupyak, fish bus (for transporting fish at close range ), kekaban (attachment to place eggs that are attached), hapa tricote of fabric (for hatching eggs in a controlled manner) or sometimes for catching seeds, sieve penyabetan of aluminum / bamboo, oblok / delok (for transporting seeds), sirib ( to catch the seed size of 10 cm or more), anco / Hanco (to catch fish), lambit of nylon net (to catch fish consumption), scoopnet (to catch fish seeds aged one week or more), seser (point = scoopnet, but its size larger), a quadrangular nets (for catching fish or fish consumption parent).3. Preparations MediaThe meaning of the preparation is to prepare the media for the maintenance of fish, especially on drying, etc. fertilization. In preparing the maintenance medium, which needs to be done is draining the pool for a few days, then liming to combat pests and wild fish as much as 25-200 grams / square meter, given artificial fertilization in the form of fertilizers, namely urea and TSP, respectively with doses of 50-700 grams / square meter, can also be added in the form of artificial fertilizers urea and TSP, respectively with a dose of 15 grams and 10 grams / square meter.2. NurseriesTo prepare tilapia fingerlings that will be maintained, to consider matters of maintenance media preparation, selection and maintenance of aircraft, and requirements hatchery seed, seed traits and brood.1. Election ParentThe characteristics of a superior tilapKAISARBET.COM AGEN BOLA TERPERCAYA PIALA DUNIA 2014ia seed parent is as follows:

Capable of producing large quantities of seed with high quality.
Growing very fast.
Very responsive to artificial food given.
Resistant to pests, parasites and diseases.
Can live and grow well in relatively poor aquatic environments.
Good size for spawning parent is 100 grams per fish.
The distinguishing characteristics of the male parent and female parent are as follows:1. Males

In urogenetial tool there are 2 holes namely: the anus and urinary orifice hole cum sperm.
The tip fin reddish color bright and clear.
Abdominal color darker / blackish.
Color chin blackish and reddish.
If stomach distriping discharge.
2. Females

There are 3 holes on urogenetial namely: anal, hole expenditure eggs and urine hole.
Fin tip pale reddish color is not clear.
The color is more white belly.
The color white chin.
If the stomach does not secrete fluid distriping.

2. Seeding SystemBreeding tilapia fish can be done in 3 ways:1. Systems platformIn this system, the pool is divided into 4 parts, the first pool as a male parent and a female meet or spawning. Swimming the second place w  Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercayahere the female parent or krei partitioned by bamboo lattice with holes the size of the female parent body so that only the mother can pass to the second pond. The third pool is temapt temapat release of larvae and the fourth is a nursery place. Preparation of media and number of released together with the first system.2. Systems of the pool

Selasa, 17 Juni 2014

Si quieres disfrutar de los tulipanes

Si quieres disfrutar de los tulipanes en sus propios campos, se puede aprender a plantar tulipanes correctas. Lo primero que debe hacer es si usted compra flores tulipanes, que no se demore para sembrar el tubérculo. La plantación de los tubérculos en la caída de seis a ocho semanas antes de la congelación. Un buen suelo para la plantación de bulbos Agen Casino Onlinede tulipán con la temperatura del suelo está por debajo de 60 grados Fahrenheit. Todos los tulipanes no les gusta el exceso de humedad. Idealmente, el suelo debe estar seco, estéril, o de arena. Las lluvias en verano, sistemas de riego, y la tierra mojada hará que los tulipanes mueren. Por lo tanto, hay que prestar atención a cómo plantar tulipanes correctas.
¿Cómo mantener tulipanes
Si plantas tulipanes, usted debe estar consciente de la presencia de ratas. Muchos de los cultivadores de tulipanes que utilizan una variedad de formas para inhibir la rata interrumpen tulipanes plantas. Para obtener más información sobre el manejo de los tulipanes que tienes que prestar atención a cómo plantar bien tulipán. Si las ratas son un gran problema para usted, usted puede proteger los bulbos de tulipán con alambre. También no se olvide de regar los tulipanes durante sólo la estación seca. También es necesario para proporcionar fertilizante cada año. Después de crecer tulipanes, debe desactivar la yema. Usted también tiene que dejar que las hojas se vuelven amarillas alrededor de 6 semanas antes de la cosecha.

Agen Judi Bola    Las macetas que contenían las semillas de tulipanes allí que me puse delante de la casa (menos), después de haber crecido unos centímetros, me entran en la casa (en una habitación fresca hay una ventana grande), a temperatura ambiente alrededor de 18-20 grados C. Bueno crecer realidad loh rápido, quizá los tulipanes Creo que es una temperaturas cálidas de la primavera.
Tulip ya cultiva no se permite en las temperaturas menos, porque la tierra está tan endurecido, puede dañar las raíces del tulipán.
Preste atención, no a la tierra seca, tulipnya limpiar una vez por semana o cuando sea necesario. No conseguir barro porque las semillas pueden pudrirse.
Debido a que la olla Semilla Fill Medium Invierno Tulip así crezco Algunos Place Foreign cm
Hasta el momento hay 4 macetas de tulipanes que están fuera, espero hasta que crece unos centímetros, se pusieron en la casa.Gruesa capa de nieve en el balcón había sido de 10 cm. Fotos de Tulip fija inmediatamente dos ollas fuera, cómo la situaciónDos Tulip Crecer Macetas Semillas pocos centímetros. Ollas llenas de gránulos ES. 18 de enero 2013
Si el suelo se endurece debido a las bajas temperaturas, la semilla no puede crecer bien. Después de crecer unos centímetros, puse la olla en la casa, hay espa
Agen Bola Terpercayacio es una ventana grande, así la luz del sol puede iluminar la habitación. La temperatura ambiente es de 20 º C. Después de tres días tulipnya crecen las plántulas rápidamente, la imagen de abajo:

Kamis, 12 Juni 2014

Geedaha daaqsinka ku Laanta gooyaa

Geedaha daaqsinka ku Laanta gooyaaGooyaa stem ugu muhiimsan si ay u Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercayaeyaan daaqsinka ku sameeyaa ka dib markii abuurka ah waxaa lagu beeray. Caleemaha lagu xannaaneeyo ee dayactira laayey 1-2 oo kaliya oo kaliya. Dooro ku hari caafimaad qaba ama laamihiisa, oo doog ah oo xasilan oo oo mugdi ah. Caleemaha dhammaataan qaabeeya, soo koobay geesaha, waa in sidoo kale la lamper. Xayawaanka la caleemaha waxaa lagu sugi doono ilaa stem ugu weyn ee lagu qiyaaso 130-150 cm. Haddii geedka hore u sarraysaa sida aad doonayso inaad ka dibna isla markiiba la gooyaa oo ku saabsan 5-10 cm ka soo caarada ushii. Qolofka la isticmaalin la qasbay isticmaalaya xal ah ee ku masax / bactericide organic si looga fogaado fangas oo bakteeriyada cudurada. Gooyaa kicin doontaa koboc of stem laamood wax soo saar isku. Caleemaha New (muujiyey hoose ee) waa in sidoo kale la lamper.- Geedaha Generative Laanta gooyaaKa dib markii falinjeeerka daaqsinka salka of stem ugu weyn, waxaa ka muuqan doona laamood si dabiici ah wax soo saar on dhamaadka asliga ah. Guud ahaan muuqan doona 4-5 laamood wax soo saar leh. Samee doorashada oo ah laan ka soo saar leh, dooro laanta of 3-4 oo waaweyn, oo caafimaad qaba, stocky, iyo cagaar. Gooyaa ayaa weli la sameeyo on wixii caleemaha cusub oo u muuqda in laamaha wax soo saar si uu u gaadho laamood wax soo saar leh 70-100 cm le'eg. Marka laamaha wax soo saar leh ayaa gaarey le'eg, isla markiiba jar 5-10 cm ka soo caarada ee laanta. Ka dib markii jarida dhammaadka laamaha wax soo saar leh, tumanayaan waxaa lagu sameeyaa dhammaan caleemaha cusub oo ka soo baxa ee dhirta miraha masduulaagii ahaa. Caleemaha Goynta waxaa loogu talagalay samaynta nuugida nafaqooyin dhirta loo isticmaalo fiican loogama waayo formation of ubaxa iyo miro. Waa in la ogaadaa in mar kasta oo aad samayn manjooyin ah waa in isla markiiba la raaco by codsiga of xal ah ee cayayaanka organic ee prunings hore.6. Dooran karo Ubax iyo MirahaCalaameeyay ka bixitaanka dhirta ubax bilaabeen inay ubax ee laamaha wax soo saar leh. Sida caadiga ah ilaa in ka badan hal ubax. Sidaa darteed, xulashada waxaa loo sameeyaa marka dulsaarka wali waa ay yar yar, sidaa daraadeed nafaqooyinka lama isticmaalo horumarinta ubaxyo in la tuuri doonaa. Dooro 2-3 oo xiiso weyn ugu, caafimaad leh, oo dhalaalaysa, iyo cusub ee laanta kasta oo wax soo saar leh (masaafada antarbunga ee qiyaastii 30 cm).7. Gardens FayadhowrkaFayadhowrka Field waxaa la nadiifiyo beerta caws (dhirta), gooyn stem ama laan nabarradii, iyo sidoo kale dayactirka channels waraabka si looga fogaado waterlogging inta lagu guda jiro xilli-roobaadka. Ujeedada laga leeyahay waxSARANAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA qabadka waa in laga hortago faafidda cayayaanka iyo cudurada, haysashada qoyaan beero, iyo sidoo kale ay qabsashada pengurangi nafaqooyinka u dhexeeya dhirta leh midho ka qabsatay masduulaagii weed.Jir ama laan nabarradii ka dusayso ururiyo oo la burburiyey isla markiiba marka samaynta dillaac. Trick waxay bixiyaan weelka, halka qabanayaan jaritaanka, natiijooyinka si toos ah geliyo weel in ay ka fogaadaan Spilling afford. Ujeedada ururinta ka dusayso hore waa in la iska ilaaliyo in cudurka marks dalagga jirto sidii qaadsiin dhirta caafimaad leh. Yaranta waxaa loo sameeyaa by hartey waxay si joogto ah. Yaranta isticmaalaya herbicides laguma talinayo, sababta oo ah ka dib markii lagu buufiyo ku jirto qayb firfircoon in awood u leh in nijaasayn deegaanka. Jaridda dhirta waxaa loo sameeyaa dhaqan farsamo la adeegsanayo hoe ah ama soo jiid si toos ah u haramaha ku wareegsan dhibic u kuurgalaya. Hoeing agagaarka barta of beerto sameeyo si taxadar leh si aanay u dhaawici xididada dhirta miraha masduulaagii ahaa.
Timi cayayaan iyo kontroolo cudurrada masduulaa MIRAHA organic beerahaWaxaa lagu tilmaamay inay a noocyada dhirta miraha beeraha miraha iska caabiya cayayaanka iyo cudurada, iyo sidoo kale dhirta tiin kale oo difaacayaal sare ku filan in cayayaanka iyo cudurada. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, tani micnaheedu ma aha in beerashada miro masduulaa dalagga ah in aan weligood laga ilaaliyo cayayaanka iyo cudurada. Sidaa darteed, tallaabooyinka cayayaanka waa in la fuliyo guud ahaan geedi socodka ee lag  Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercayaa beerto miro masduulaagii ahaa. Waxyeellada ugu wacan tahay cayayaanka iyo cudurada ma aha oo kaliya ayaa hoos u dhiga tayada iyo tirada wax soo saarka, laakiin haddii aan gacanta ku ka sii daran weerar dili kara dhirta. Sidaa darteed, ay gacanta waa in la sameeyaa aqoonsi hore ee dhirta iyo cayayaanka dhirta weerar.

Selasa, 10 Juni 2014

Safe use of bioethanol as a fuel, the flash point of ethanol t

Safe use of bioethanol as a fuel, the flash point of ethanol three times higher than gasoline.
Hidokarbon fewer emissions
Deficiencies bioethanol than gasoline:
Cold engine is more difficult to do a starter Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya    Bioethanol react with metals such as magnesium and aluminum.
Alternatively use a mixture of bioethanol with gasoline. Before mixed, ethanol must be purified to 100%. This mixture is known as gasohol.Substrates that can be fermented into alcohol:Sugary ingredients (sugary materials): sugarcane and the rest of the products (molasses, bagase), sugar beet, tapioca, sweet potato, sweet sorghum, etc.. Cane molasses is used heavily in several countries to produce alcohol.Starchy materials (starchy materials): tapioca, maize, barley, wheat, rice, and potatoes. Maize and cassava are two groups of substrates that attract attention. 11.7 kg of corn starch can be converted into 7 liters of ethanol.Lignocellulosic materials (lignosellulosic material): a source of cellulose and lignocellulose derived from agricultural waste and wood. However, the yield of ethanol from lignocellulosic bit because it lacks the technology to convert pentoses to ethanol. 409 liters of ethanol can be produced from 1 ton of lignocellulose.

Betklik99 Agen Bola Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014GasoholBioethanol is a multi-purpose because it is mixed with gasoline in any composition of a positive impact. Mixing absolute ethanol with 10% gasoline (90%), often called Gasohol E-10. Gasohol abbreviation of gasoline (petrol) plus alcohol (ethanol). Absolute ethanol has an octane number (ON) 117, while Premium only 87-88. Gasohol E-10 has a proportionally ON PERTAMAX 92 or equivalent. In this composition is known as bioethanol Octan enhancers (additives) are the most environmentally friendly and in developed countries have shifted the use of Tetra Ethyl Lead (TEL) and Methyl Tertiary Buthyl Ether (MTBE).Mixing up to 24% can still use a conventional gasoline car. On top of that, it takes a special car that has been manufactured in the United States and Brazil. Are popular and in demand today is the Flexible-Fuel Vehicle (FFV). This kind of "smart cars" because it is equipped with sensors and automation panels that can set the machine to use gasoline-ethanol mixture at any composition.
NATIONAL INDUSTRY BIOENERGISugar Factory (PG) in Indonesia was time to transform the role of a producer of sugar cane-based industry into one, as did PG in sugar producing countries of the world. Industries capable of utilizing such a role could reduce the company's dependence on sugar alone, because by being cane-based industry, will be a lot of derivative products and the resulting sugar cane can be used to its advantage.
For Indonesia, he added, because there are many PG cane shortage of raw materials, the current stage like ethanol made from molasses. From each ton of cane milled, resulting drops of about 40-45 kg and part of the proceeds go to the farmers as suppliers of sugar cane. During these drops is more widely used as a raw material for making acetic acid and monosodium glutamateBesides sugarcane, cassava has good potential as a bioethanol feedstock. Cassava is relatively more easily cultivated on various types of agr
Agen bola berhadiah samsung s4 tiap bulan depo 20rbicultural land. Lands that had been unproductive can be 'switched on' again with bioenergy crops. The thing to do is mapping potential areas in producing bioenergy crops.

Sabtu, 07 Juni 2014

How to Plant a Flower Bed. Flowers like jasmine?

How to Plant a Flower Bed. Flowers like jasmine? Fragrant flowers that are ornamental flowers with upright-trunked shrub tree that can live yearly. Up until the white jasmine serve as a national symbol as it is associated with various traditions of many tribes in this country.
Betklik99 Agen Bola Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014Maybe you are interested to cultivate them? As for how to plant flowers below is not just limited to the jasmine tree, but can be applied to other how to plant flowers, for example: flower rose, or other flower.
Well below is the procedure of jasmine flowers to plant in pots.:
The first should we provide are planting medium

1. Prepare red stone (broken fragments) that are intended to bind water in the bottom of the pot.

General mixture; sand third part, ground 1/3 part and third part manure
Mixture to the dry type; ½ parts sand, and ½ part manure
The mixture for the type of moisture; ½ ½ is land and manure.
2. Then the next step is how to grow jasmine in a pot, in this case requires great care and diligence.
In order jasmine flowers can grow well, follow the stages carefully following ways:

Choose tananam pots and growing media in accordance with the plants that we will potkan. Pot also be adjusted to where and how the pots are placed. when the media is prepared pots and pots have drainage holes ensure that enough. Choose plastic polybag seedlings where jasmine and torn with caution so as not to damage the roots, and then save the seeds in the middle of the pot and then piled the seeds with soil and manure mixture.
Load the media approximately one third part of the pot. then input, try home media attached to the plant is still there, so the plants do not experience stress when moving and adapting to a new place or media.
Try to add more plantin
SARANAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA g media, press media slowly with the thumb so that the plants can stand firm. pots do not condition until full, leaving about 2 cm from the lips of the pot so easy when watering.

Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

Parigi villagers Blooms life

Parigi villagers Blooms life , from the cultivation of ornamental fish , provide enough income . Each ornamental fish farmers , of this effort , the average - average yield of about 2 million get to 5 million dollars per month . But the ornamental fish business , will decrease mainly in July to October . Agen Judi Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesia Ornamental fish farming in the township , there is also a depot ornamental fish , donated by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries , which is used for ornamental fish before sale kepasaran . ( Idh )
Age four days fed larvae can begin . The first larvae feed in the form of the infusoria given for three days . Then the larvae can be nauplii anemia or filtered water fleas . Feed for enlargement in the form of large water fleas .
These include rapid growth of fish as long as conditions are suitable . Magnifying can be started from seed 3-4 weeks old . In the age of the fish was able to be maintained in a bright place , although still to be shaded . Size of 1.8 cm or 2.5 months of age can already be sold