Valanga nigricornis and Grastrimargus marmoratus. Despite the damage caused is not so serious, but in a large population of these pests can reduce production.
Agen Bola Indonesiaeradication
Biologically, a predator that can memberantasnya among other birds.
There is a spur-shaped holes in young leaves that have not been opened and the base of the leaf.
Oryctes rhinoceros. Mite infestation is quite dangerous Jiak occur in young plants, because if we reach the point of causing the growth of a foul disease and death. But if only eat the leaves will only cause damage to the leaves mature.
Preventive hygiene with independent garden, especially around plants. The litter and dead trees burned, so that the larvae of mites die.
Biological eradication using Metharrizium anisopliae fungus and virus Baculovirus Oryctes. Alternatively denagn predators such as the spread of beetles, flies, ants, termites, geckos, snakes, and birds.
Boring bunch of body
Young or old pieces of perforated look.
Moths Tirathaba mundella. This caterpillar pest of young brown to dark brown and reaches a length of approximately 4 cm. These mites lay their eggs in bunches, and after hatch, the larvae (caterpillars) will tap the oil palm fruit.Agen Bola Tangkas
In khemis, sprayed with independent insecticide containing the active ingredient triklorfon 707 g / l or Endosulfan 359 g / l. Insecticides, among others, are Dipterex 700 ULV and Thio and 35 EC with independent dose, 0.5 kg / ha dissolved in 370 l of biological air.pemberantasan dissemination fly predators and parasites.
Abnormal plant growth, especially in seedlings and young plants, for dead links at the point grows out of whack. In adult plants that already produce, fruit bunches of the crash and the flowers are still young.
Rat (Rattus tiomanicus, Rattus sp). These mites attack plants at all ages and menumbulkan does little damage
Roller Blindseradication
Rat mite is generally difficult to curb, for his very wide area. Eradication can be done emposan in their cages. Biologically by predators such as cats, snakes, owls (Ty to alba).
Senin, 30 Juni 2014
Valanga nigricornis and Grastrimargus marmoratus

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