Kamis, 02 Oktober 2014

separated from the lower ground.

separated from the lower ground. Top soil mixed with manure that has been cooked as much as 20 kg per hole. Land which has been excavated hole left open for 1-2 weeks, in order to get sunlight so well oxidized. To avoid obstacles acid soils, soil excavation mixed with dolomite / agricultural lime as much as 0.5-1 kg per planting hole and soil mixture is put in the hole 2-3 weeks before planting. For soil that is too heavy, in addition to the processing of sand soil can be added as much as 0.5 cans per hole. A week before planting given NPK (15-15- 15) 100 grams into the planting hole if necessary. Seedlings or grafting seedlings planted upright and sturdy into the middle of the planting hole. The distance between the planting hole 12 x 12 m or 4 x 6 m.SeniorAgen.com Agen Bola Tangkas Online Terpercaya dan Terbaik 2014

Ø Stages Planting

The process of planting should be done in the afternoon or morning at the beginning of the rainy season when rainfall is quite uneven. Seedlings planted in holes that are already available, perpendicular. Before the seeds are planted, the plastic bag must be removed. If planting is done outside of the rainy season or due to climatic abnormalities, namely the rainy season suddenly turned into dry again, then adjustments need to be done is planted seedlings need to be watered regularly.

Ø Stages of Making Holes in Mulch

Planting the last stages are mulching around the jackfruit tree. It is very necessary; especially during the dry season to improve soil moisture. But in the rainy season mulch is not necessary because it can bring fungal attack. Mulch can also be incorporated into the soil as organic fertilizer, provision of two times per year so help plants grow. Factory compound fertilizer application is done with a dose of 2-3 kg per tree.