Jumat, 13 Desember 2013

What are the consequences if unsafe abortions ?

Make sure your pregnancy with ultrasound tests . Perform an ultrasound test at the hospital or clinic and ask for the results of ultrasound in print form . Ensure gestation contained in the print result . Gestational age and the method of determining the price of an abortion . Often clinic lying to clients with specific mention of gestational age that women pay more expensive obat aborsi .
If you visit the clinic , check with your own eyes whether the clinical condition in accordance with the standards of the clinic clean and safe . If you are confused , follow your intuition , if the clinic is clean enough or not . See the movement of nurses and doctors . Ask how they clean medical devices . If in doubt , do not be afraid to leave the clinic and look elsewhere.
Note whether the doctor or nurse to offer counseling or not . For those who are convinced by the decision of abortion , counseling may be quite annoying . But if clinics provide counseling services is one indicator that the clinic has a good perspective relating to the rights and health . Clinic who just want to take advantage of your situation would be happy if you take the abortion decision easily , because it can make money for them .
If you order a drug , ask a lot of things associated with drug use and risk procedures that may occur . If the seller can not provide an explanation of drugs , it could be he just knows selling , do not risk your health by trusting the merchant . All you need is someone who can explain the proper protocols , describes the various risks that may occur and how to avoid or overcome them .
MA is only effective up to 12 weeks gestation . MA for gestational age above 12 weeks must be based on consultation and supervision of a doctor . So , do not believe the drug sellers could declare abortion with the drug until the age of 6 months of pregnancy . Remember , the definition of abortion is up to 20 weeks gestation alat obat aborsi.
As an illustration , if you have an abortion in a clinic or hospital that is legal , you will undergo pre- abortion consultation to make sure you know the risks and possibilities that could happen , at the time of the abortion procedure is done you will receive a series of medical procedures that have met the medical standards , among others in doing anesthesia which can reduce excessive pain so that you avoid the possibility of traumatic . In addition you will also undergo treatment for several days after an abortion in which the state of your health will be continuously monitored to ensure there is no excessive bleeding or infection . Usually you will be given medication or injections of antibiotics to reduce the infection and the blood booster vitamins to replace blood loss through bleeding . A few weeks or a month later after the abortion procedure you still have to do a check - up to ensure your condition completely recovered as before .
Unlike the picture above , when you do the abortion clinic abortion illegal , you usually only come on when the abortion procedure and after the procedure is done you will go home or at least only an overnight stay . Even in some cases many abortion done in a hotel room on rent only for a few hours after doing so you're forced abortion should immediately check - out . In more severe cases , even the act of abortion is often done without given painkillers or anesthesia . Usually the doctor or midwife will only provide you with some drug or antibiotic pills and vitamins blood booster .
What are the consequences if unsafe abortions ? Often , abortions performed by non- expert people who will use methods and tools are not appropriate . For damage and force the fetus out , the uterus will be massaged and enter tools or objects into it . This tool is often a sharp object , has been polluted and not clean . For example, bamboo , piercer or a hose that does not often make the sterile uterine infection . As a result , in addition to contact with the infection , the uterus can be damaged or torn and bleeding can happen next , continuously and permanently damaged her uterus . So if abortion is not performed by a person skilled then the first possibility that will happen is an infection of the uterus due to the equipment used was not clean . The second possibility is going to happen and continuous bleeding due to uterine destroyed . Keep in mind , that there is fetal uterus will be filled with blood vessels that distribute food for the baby . When destroyed, this blood vessel tissue will be damaged and bleeding difficult to stop. The third possibility , the uterus will continue to expend blood and other fluids . It would be fatal for the mother if not be helped . Meanwhile, the unhealthy state of the uterus can develop into persistent infections , the growth of new cells , the growth of malignant cells and others bisnis online .
Post- abortion check-up should be done to ensure that the abortion was complete and return a health condition as before . The absence of follow-up after an abortion procedure would greatly endanger the woman 's health later in life , even in some cases of death due to excessive bleeding . In some women may not be visible abnormalities due to unsafe abortion procedures but does not mean no , it is usually an infection or trauma will appear a few months or a few years into the future , just do not notice it much later .

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