of seeds are bred , especially in Indonesia is kind of like a duck
laying ducks dost, Khaki Campbell ducks , Alabio , mojosari duck , duck
bali , CV 2000 - INA ducks and ducks are laying more superior product
than CPM ( Center for Research livestock ) Ciawi , Bogor .
For independent populist economic enterprises .
To gain the consumption of duck eggs , meat , and dGudangPoker.com Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercayauck breeding .
Could droppings as fertilizer crop / crops .
As filler future retirement activities .
To educate the nation through the provision of community nutrition .
the location of the cage to note are : location location location away
from the hustle / residential areas , have transportation lies within
easy reach of the location and the marketing environment enclosure has a
favorable climate for livestock production or productivity . Ducks and site conditions are not prone to evictions in several production periods .
a farmer started his business , must be prepared , especially in terms
of raising the understanding of pancausaha namely ( 1 ) . perkandangan ; ( 2 ) . Superior Seed ; ( 3 ) . Feed ; ( 4 ) . Governance and ( 5 ) . Marketing of Livestock .
Preparation Facility and Equipment
Requirements enclosure temperature ± 39 ° C.
Enclosure humidity ranged between 60-65 %
Information provided to facilitate setting cage cage cages that system in accordance with the functions of the parts cage
Cage model there are 3 ( three ) types , namely :
cage for ducklings ( DOD ) oada stater period can be called stable box , with a size of 1 m 2 can accommodate 50 animals DOD
Brower cage ( for teens duck ) model called Ren cage / cage with a group size of tail 16-100 per group
cages ( for the period of egg-laying ducks ) models can be battery-cage
( one or two tails in one box ) can also form stable location (s ) with
the size of each square meter of 4-5 adult ducks (during the spawn or
adults for 30 duckPokerKiuKiu.com Agen Judi Poker dan Domino Uang Asli Indonesias the cage size of 3 x 2 meters ) .
Conditions cages and equipment
Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014
Types of seeds are bred

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