Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

Types of seeds are bred

Types of seeds are bred , especially in Indonesia is kind of like a duck laying ducks dost, Khaki Campbell ducks , Alabio , mojosari duck , duck bali , CV 2000 - INA ducks and ducks are laying more superior product than CPM ( Center for Research livestock ) Ciawi , Bogor .

For independent populist economic enterprises .
To gain the consumption of duck eggs , meat , and d Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercayauck breeding .
Could droppings as fertilizer crop / crops .
As filler future retirement activities .
To educate the nation through the provision of community nutrition .
Regarding the location of the cage to note are : location location location away from the hustle / residential areas , have transportation lies within easy reach of the location and the marketing environment enclosure has a favorable climate for livestock production or productivity . Ducks and site conditions are not prone to evictions in several production periods .
Before a farmer started his business , must be prepared , especially in terms of raising the understanding of pancausaha namely ( 1 ) . perkandangan ; ( 2 ) . Superior Seed ; ( 3 ) . Feed ; ( 4 ) . Governance and ( 5 ) . Marketing of Livestock .

Preparation Facility and Equipment
Requirements enclosure temperature ± 39 ° C.
Enclosure humidity ranged between 60-65 %
Information provided to facilitate setting cage cage cages that system in accordance with the functions of the parts cage
Cage model there are 3 ( three ) types , namely :
cage for ducklings ( DOD ) oada stater period can be called stable box , with a size of 1 m 2 can accommodate 50 animals DOD
Brower cage ( for teens duck ) model called Ren cage / cage with a group size of tail 16-100 per group
screen cages ( for the period of egg-laying ducks ) models can be battery-cage ( one or two tails in one box ) can also form stable location (s ) with the size of each square meter of 4-5 adult ducks (during the spawn or adults for 30 duck Agen Judi Poker dan Domino Uang Asli Indonesias the cage size of 3 x 2 meters ) .
Conditions cages and equipment

Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

sources Feed

sources Feed
Swallow bird is wild birds foraging alone . The food is small insects that exist in the paddies , open land , forest and coastal / marine . To obtain satisfacto  Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercayary swallow nest , swiftlet house manager must provide additional food especially for the dry season . Some ways for generating insect is :

* Cultivation of cassava mites and insects are mosquitoes . c . make a home kitchen garden pond swallow .
* Plant crops by intercropping .
* Rotten fruits piled in the yard
5 . Maintenance Cages
If the building has long been inhabited by swallows , the dirt that accumulates on the floor to be cleaned . This debris not discarded but included in sacks and stored in the building .

1 ) Mice - These pests eat eggs , young birds even nest swiftlet . Rats bring noise and dirt, and urine can cause an uncomfortable temperature . How to prevent rats by covering all the holes , do not hoard junk and wood that will be used for the rat's nest .
2 ) Ants - Fire ants and ant itch consuming and disruptive children swallow bird that was nesting . How to give feedback in order to eradicate the ants that are outside the hive swarmed . After the ant doused with hot water .
3 ) Cockroach - The Beast takes a bird 's nest so that his body defects , small and imperfect . How eradication by spraying insecticides , keep clean and discard unnecessary items discarded so as not to be a hideout .
4 ) Lizard and Gecko - These animals eat the eggs and nest swiftlet . Geckos can eat birds' children . Droppings can pollute a roar and temperature induced unsettle swiftlet . How eradication with expelled , arrested while overcoming the water channel around the fence to the barrier , the outer wall is made smooth and painted and the holes that are not used are closed .
8 . HARVESTBird's nest can be taken or harvested when the situation is allowing to be picked . Need a way to do the plucking and certain provisions for the results o
BUAHPOKER.COM AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA TERPERCAYA TANPA ROBOT btained can meet good quality swallow nest . If an error occurs in menanen would be fatal to the birds' and building itself. There is a possibility of birds' feel tergangggu and moved . To prevent this possibility , the building owners need to know the techniques or patterns and harvesting time .
Bird nest harvesting patterns can be performed by the building swiftlet in several ways , namely :

Rabu, 14 Mei 2014


Quality of sweet corn will terje
Pembuatan Website Iklanjas if not stored well . For temporary storage , menyimbah cool the corn with cold water ( 1 - 3oC ) , or 3-5 days at 5 ° C or 2 days at a temperature of 10 ° C will not harms the quality cob .
PROVISION OF CORN TO EAT" Improved " Masmadu be provided in several ways . Among them is by boiling , steaming ( without skin ) and cooked in the micro waves of ketuhar .
PULANGANPrincipal amount disyorkan for sehektar at a distance of 50 cm between plants and 75 cm between the principal and the two principa
Domain Murah l rows planted in each hole is ( 50 cm x 75 cm x 2 principal ) principal = 53,000 / acre . The results may be marketed ( andaian 50 % ) = 26,500 cobs .By kos spending RM2 , 025/hektar , pulangan than sehektar are as follows : -

Sabtu, 03 Mei 2014

Pak Udin also make use of the indoor cultivation of cement . Raising koi fish in the pond water treatment techniques do cement (water treatment) . Water treatment process is done using some filtering dirt bath . Each vessel is equipped GLOBALBOLA.COM AGEN BOLA PIALA DUNIA 2014 SBOBET IBCBET CASINO POKER TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYA   with a comb filter and a sponge to absorb the dirt that goes . In a pond there are around 3-4 cement -like screening of ammonia and other impurities . Care and cement pool cleaning is done based on the number of dirt produced by biomass. Checks should also be made ​​in ground pool , especially in the rainy Bogor . On rainy days , water intake door should be closed to prevent the entry of large amounts of water and protect fish so as not to overflow .
Koi fish harvested consumer demand . Koi fish grow around 2 cm per month . Koi fish are ready to harvest is done by separating conjoint relocation type, size and color pattern of the body .DSCN1228Affirmations are also Seketaris Koi United Sukabumi ( KBS ) where every effort is certainly no ebb and flow or risk. Risks facing koi breeders are usually reduced water quality can cause decreased quality fish seed .
" Besides , it's hard to get a superior quality fish seed for every fish that spawn their eggs on average, 20 thousand , 30 thousand items appears to only be able to produce quality koi contest only a maximum of five pieces , " he added.
You are interested and ready to take risks? If so , you can learn the way cultivate koi fish . ( ant / as)ALSO READ

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preparations Pool
First time to be prepared for spawning is swimming . Swimming dried under the sun. Entry doors installed to prevent egg screening might drift .
Koi eggs stick ( adesif ) nature.
ABCBOLA.COM Agen Judi Bola Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014  Usually koi will spawn under crop or whatever material which can be used to affix their eggs. Therefore penempel provide sufficient eggs to eggs can safely koi .
Penempel eggs can use Eunike , worn to memijahkan goldfish . Ijuk Eunike made ​​from bamboo which is clamped to the blade and nailed. Eunike good ijuk made ​​of long and flat , the length 120 cm width 40 cm . Total required Eunike suit big cows , usually 4-6 pieces per 1 kg cows .
To be able to float , Eunike arranged on a piece of bam

In because koi seed tender age of 1 week stay

In because koi seed tender age of 1 week stay , usually the koi eggs hatch in the bag hapa usual soft edged for storing seeds . In hapa , seed can be more easily collected and not easily washed away .
Koi newly hatched yolk still carries as the agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya first major food supplies . As long as they do not require food from the outside in because after all these tools have not established prima digestion . Within two or three days and then , they have started to swim . At the time this was the time for us to menyedia about food for the seed . This seed - it should be transferred to the other pool which contains a lot of natural foods .analysis of freshwater fish farmingArticle TerkaitKontes koi fish that will be held at Baiduri Eating Sepah Malang really make the participants more eager contest . Until yesterday , Thursday ( 10/4 ) of 1000 participants from various parts of Indonesia is ready to perform at the championships which will take place at Baiduri ... Read More »Koi Fish SeedLunar , Koi Breeders Flooded OrdersBy budidayaikan , February 1 , 2014 0 News , Raising Koi
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