Selasa, 04 Februari 2014

Infidelity is not only harmful to relationships or marriage

Infidelity is not only harmful to relationships or marriage , but also on the health of the body . Men are cheating most often have a heart attack than men who have sex with their legal spouse .
A German study Bisnis Online Sederhana Hasil Dahsyat Modal Hemat
showed that when a heart attack occurs during or after sex , the victims are almost always older men involved in an affair with a younger woman .
The reason is that increasing the excitement associated with foreign partners and different settings can lead to a greater increase in heart rate and blood pressure , thus increasing cardiovascular risk .
For men , it would be safer to stay at home , stay loyal to his wife and burn off excess energy on a treadmill or other light exercise .
The Cheating Men Most Often Got a Heart Attack [ ]
Sex as well as sports that can boost blood pressure and cardiac work . Not only in people with a history of heart disease , a healthy person can have a heart attack while having sex .
Less than 1 percent of all heart attacks are triggered by sexual intercourse , compared with 5 per cent caused by physical activity , and 3 percent because of the emotion of anger .
A 1996 study published in the
Journal of the American Medical Associationmenghitung that in healthy people with no history of heart disease , the possibility of sexual activity causes heart attacks is about 2 per million , as reported by
MNN , Saturday ( 01/09/2012 ) .
In people with a history of prior heart attack , the risk of having a heart attack from sex is still about 20 per million . However, the risk will be lower when heart patients to exercise regularly .
Sex is generally safe for people with coronary heart disease , carries a very low risk of triggering a heart attack . But men with coronary heart disease need to follow the rules and be careful with infidelity .
Heart attack during sex is also often occurs when a man taking powerful drugs . This was stated by Dr Andrew Wanananda , MS , Faculty of Medicine, University of sexologists Tarumanegara Jakarta .
" Now a lot of powerful drugs are sold freely . , But if he recklessly without a prescription buy him another drink and drugs , heart medications carefully Isosorbide dinitrate can cause him hypotension ( drop in blood pressure ) and can-can
" died on the navel " ( died while having sex ) . Now many such cases because the purchase origin , " explains Dr. Andreas .
Isosorbide dinitrate is a type of vasodilator ( pelebar vessels of the heart ) . These drugs relax the blood vessels , increasing the kontak jodoh blood supply and oxygen to the heart . This medicine is used to prevent chest pain caused by angina .
Of note , these heart drugs berkontra - indications on drug delivery in conjunction with phosphodiesterase inhibitors ( known as Sildenafil or Viagra ) .
" People who have heart attacks actually discharged can still have sex , provided he is not struggling , no chest pain and are taking heart medications . Otherwise , it could also lead to " die on the navel " , " concludes Dr. Andri .

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