My own blog is not as popular blogs that have hit thousands of visitors daily . Blogs I just visited an average of ten thousand unique monthly penggunjung . And until now , the total is more than a hundred thousand people who visit . But is not the point , we want once again is , how the message or thought , or hope we can be channeled through this medium .
For that , we need to make our blog a little easier to find , here I add some steps that might be taken to
Flagship Post
In the maritime world , the flagship can be interpreted as the core ships , command ships , or ships at the center of the entire fleet . In a blog , make sure you have at least one fruit flagship wisata pulau pari post . That is , the post is something that really be the mainstay of your blog and be more than the value of postings on other blogs . For example , you have a penchant for cooking , then make a post about a certain cooking recipes unique and never found in other blogs .
I myself am a fan of history , science , and conflict . Then flagship post on my blog unique is three things anyhow . And try , the messages displayed by the image support , and appropriate title ( such as my suggestion in the previous post ) .
Reply to Comment With Constructive Dialogue
Comments on your blog is not a thing that should be ignored . The comments are , at a certain stage can also raise the rating on your blog . The more links of other bloggers on display , and for the reference of your blog will increase . However , that's not actually the most important . By building constructive comments , you are not only encouraged to try to think more critically , but also to review the post and writing your own .
Often your posts on the blog are not perfect , and there are comments on each of your blog posts can be a feedback to the quality of the post. The impact of increasing the quality of writing is , your writing will be increasingly sought after and used by reference , not only by other bloggers , but also information seekers agent pulau pari morning on the internet . In other words , the netters or netizens or whatever his name .
Be a Good Listener and Learner
" Seek knowledge even unto the land of china " Something like that wise words of Arabic ago in response to scientific inquiry . In the Arab world the tempo , the country of China is the country furthest imaginable . Literally, it means we can, look for science to the ends of the world and do not ever give up .
I diligently followed the Crash Course History uploaded on Youtube . One of them tells of attack Persia to Greece ( which you may remember in the movie 300 ) . In ancient times , stories of epic as we know it is perpetuated by Herodotus or Plato or any number philosopher of his time. And the host , John Green , also referred to them as "The first of bloggers world ! "
Why is referred to as a blogger ? Not as a competent chronicler like now ? Or a scientist who wrote a critical reference to ?
Philosopher wrote the story in ancient Greece , inventions , and their history in a form that is so easy to understand . Until a novice can easily absorb the intended purpose of the writing . It makes them so memorable writings and studied up to the medieval ( or even now ) . Sometimes also they menggungkapkan their knowledge by means of dialogue , perhaps in addition to bloggers , they can also be referred to as the first novelist in history : D
Writing an information in a blog should be done in a way that is easy to understand and simple . If you wish a detailed and detailed information about everything on the blog , then you are wrong places . Such information can be found in scientific journals .
With the ease of understanding of your information on the blog , iklan ppc then the user will be easier to digest the message you want to convey in your writing . This is important , because every penggunjung are satisfied ( in the sense of getting the information they want on your blog ) will tend to have an affinity for back menggunjungi your blog .