Jasa SEO Murah - The first time we create a blog using blogspot facilities , we may be confused with the functions available on the blogger . In fact, if well managed can we optimize our blog to the maximum . In this post I will give a little explanation of the functions in the menu settings . So that friends can be easier to optimize their blogs .
1 . Menu Settings - > Basic
Blog Tools : to restore ( import blog ) , backup (export blog ) and permanently delete the blog (delete blog )
Title : to fill the blog title . This title will appear in the header of the blog and search engine pages ( SERP )
Description : to fill the blog description . This description will appear at the blog header
obat telat bulan Add your blog to our listings : to set up a blog if you want displayed on the menu such as blogger bloggers and play next blog or not
Let search engines find your blog : To set whether you want to blog on the index page of the Google search engine and Weblogs.com or not
Show quick editing on your blog : to display the quick edit icon on the post that serves to edit the post directly from the blog page
Show email post links: to display the envelope -shaped icon on the post that serves to allow readers to send us articles link to others via email
Adult Content : to determine whether our blogs contain pornographic content or not
Select Post Editor : editor to select the type of post you want to use
Enable Transliteration : to enable the translation function on the post editor into the selected language .
2 . Menu Settings - > Publishing
Custom domain : To change the address on the blogspot.com domain to itself as . Com , . Net , . Org , etc.
Blogspot Address : If a custom domain to change the blogspot alat bantu sex address to your own domain then who is to replace a blogspot address to another blogspot address . ( not yet registered )
Word Verification : verification code
Blogger beginner course for those of you wondering how to beautify your blog like other blogs you've ever seen . I will summarize some necessary tips for beginners like me . Before you create with your template it's good to backup your blog template, how to go to Edit HTML and click the link download full template .
1 . Eliminating the blogger NavbarThere are several reasons why we remove this navbar especially that our blog looks more nice . It is very easyLogin to your blogKlick Design then Edit HTMLFind the following code ] ] >Then attach the following code before the code above
# navbar {display : none ; }
alat bantu sex # navbar - iframe {display : none ! important;}
Save the template and see the changes , simple is not it?
2.Mengganti icon or favicon BloggerBy default favicon you will be replacing the letter B means easy .Login then click the Design and Edit HTMLPut the following code before the code < / head>
<link href='http://namalink.com' rel='shortcut icon'/> obat aborsi
Replace the bold code with your favicon url or leave blank to look favicon white paper , not the letter B . You can create a favicon in favicon.cc or find the icon in iconfinder.com typically 16x16 pixels in size .
3.Cara eliminate the posting dateThe trick is easy enough :Login and find Edit HTML pasang iklan baris gratis tanpa daftar Check the Expand WidgetFind and delete the following code
Save Template
But few bloggers who removes the date of posting .
4 . Changing Page Title is more SEO friendlyBy default the title you would like this blog title Blog | Post titleNow you can reverse it the following way :Login and find Edit HTMLFind the code below
<title> <data:blog.pageTitle/> < / title>
Replace with the following code
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><title> <data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/> < / title> obat pembesar penis <b:else/><title> <data:blog.pageTitle/> < / title>< / b : if>
Or code below along with some of your keywords
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><title> <data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/> < / title><b:else/><title> <data:blog.pageTitle/> | Keywords pal | buddy Keywords < / title>< / b : if>
Save your template
5 . Changing into Dofollow Nofollow BlogPrivileges are DoFollow blog search engines will index link on the comment form so that visitors leave comentar on your blog will get the benefit of making more and more visitors are coming to your blog . How to change it as follows :jasa pembuatan toko online murah Login and look for the Edit HTML and tick Expand Widget TemplatesFind the following code
<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl'rel='nofollow'>
Remove code rel = ' nofollow '
Then Save your template
6.Menghilangkan widget or sidebar on the main page or vice versa obat pembesar penis Have you ever seen a blog on the main page contains 3 colom but when you get into a post only one sidebar or footer does not appear . Well you can also set up your blog to be like that. Could also eliminating Footer on the main page and bring it on post pages only. Because quite long please see my previous post about Eliminating widgets or sidebar on the main page .
7.Menghilangkan "Showing newest posts with label "Posts that usually appear when you click on a label located on all posts .Login first to bloggerThen click the Design and Edit HTMLCheck the Expand Wdget TemplatesFind the following codeBlog tips and SEO on this time , it will discuss Title Tag Benefits & Functions to improve SEO ( Search Engine Optimizer ) . Do you ever intend to improve your rankings in the Search Engines ? Consider the title tag ( title tag ) every post you ! . A title tag is the line of text that is typically displayed in the browser window title bar . Setting title tag is the most important SEO method for any pulau pari website or blog . , Including your blog , of course.
Title Tag
For most search engines , the maximum length of title tag shown ranged between 60-70 characters . If your title tag of more than 70 characters, it will be truncated titlr tag up to about 70 characters only on search results pages .
Spider is a search agent keyword owned enggine search using title tags as the primary source for determining the page topic . Spider or check the topic title and then translate the page . This has to be one of the reasons why it is necessary to use the best keywords for each of your posts . Use the tags you earlier paragraphs of this paper . Why ? since the beginning of the paragraph will appear on seaerch quote engine . Posts in this paragraph which define the user to click and access your page . Believe me , that just simply by fixing title tags and writing articles that are informative , interesting and consistent , you can post peringkkat will increase significantly pulau pari ,
Here I will give an example of the use of tags . Say you have an educational site that provides information and guidance on teacher certification requirements . You 've decided that the most important keywords for your site " certification " and " Teaching requirements . " In this case , a post like " Teaching Requirements for Teacher Certification " is very relevant to the topic of the site . Spiders will crawl your site , and because the title is the first factor seen , spider will read it and then check out the rest of the page to find keywords that are used elsewhere on the page to determine how relevant the title with the rest contentnya . If the content , it contains all the tags that you submitted , then the spider gives a good ranking for your post . This means do not ever write a tag that is never mentioned in the articles / posts you .<b:includable id='status-message'><b:if cond='data:navMessage'> peluang usaha online <div class='status-msg-wrap'><div class='status-msg-body'><data:navMessage/>< / div ><div class='status-msg-border'><div class='status-msg-bg'><div class='status-msg-hidden'> <data:navMessage/> < / div >< / div >obat telat bulan < / div >< / div ><div style='clear: both;'/>< / b : if>< / b : includable >
Replace with the following code
<b:includable id='status-message'><b:if cond='data:navMessage'><div>< / div ><div style='clear: both;'/>< / b : if>< / b : includable >
Save Template and see the changes.
Your blog 8.Agar many visitorsThere are many ways to increase visitors to your blog so that you also increase the income of the blog . Please read my previous post on blog increase visitors and 10 ways to increase traffic as well as how to make visitors want to comment on your blog
Older posts 9.Mengganti Post / Newer PostAt the bottom of our blog the words " Older posts " and "Newer post " . obat aborsi You can replace it with a " Next" or whatever you like , the way he is :Login and go to Edit HTMLfind the code below to replace the word Newer Posts
Replace the word that you like such as " New " or pairs of arrows image can also be
Then look for the following code and change the above way to replace the " Older Posts "
Then save the template
10 . Eliminate the "Subscribe to Posts ( Atom ) "alat bantu sex The article appears in the bottom of your blog if you want to get rid of please follow the steps belowLogin then click the Design and Edit HTMLCheck the Expand Widgets TemplatesFind the code below
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'> < ! - Blog feed links - ><b:if cond='data:feedLinks'><div class='blog-feeds'><b:include data='feedLinks' name='feedLinksBody'/>< / div >< / b : if>
Replace the code below
<b:include data='feedLinks' name='feedLinksBody'/>
Save the template and the writing was lost somewhere .
That is a summary of tips for novice bloggers need to know in the look alat bantu sex of your blog , and once again I suggest to always backup your template before making any small change so that if something goes wrong you can restore the look of your blog as before .
I 've had some time to change the template and make modifications according to my blog look much effect other than replacing blog title to make it more SE friendly . Most important is the content of your blog , if your blog is deemed useful by visitors then they too will come back another time and especially if your blog look easy in browsing and unsightly visitors will surely linger in your blog .3 . Menu Settings - > Formatting
Show at most : to determine the number of posts that would be displayed on the blog page
Date Header Format : To determine the date format that would be displayed on the post title
Archive Index Date Format : to specify the date format that would be displayed on the archives menu located on the sidebar column
Timestamp Format pulau tidung : format time to determine who will appear on the post
Time Zone : to specify the time zone in which we live . Eg ( GMT +07:00) Jakarta for Indonesia
Language : select the language you want to use
Convert link breaks : to set whether to convert code tags in post editor automatically. Yes let alone .
Show Title Field : to display the title of your post . If you select No then the blogger will take a few words at the beginning of the paragraph as the post title . Select Yes only
Show Link Field : to add the corresponding link into every post . If no , select No only
Enable Float Alignment : to activate the function of the text and image alignment
Post Templates : to fill the text box would be displayed on posting
4 . Menu Settings - > Comments
Comments : to display the comments box
Who Can Comment : to determine who is allowed to comment
bisnis online Comment Form Placement : to determine where the location of the comment box
Comments default for posts : to set whether to be a comment on the new post or not
Backlinks : to set whether to be notified if there is put a link on our articles or not pulau tidung
Backlinks default for posts : to set whether to enable the function or not backlinks
Comments Timestamp Format : time to choose the format that would be displayed in the comment box
Comment Form Message : to display a short message above the comment box
Comment Moderation : to filter incoming comments before posted
Show word verification for comments : to display the verification code if anyone wants to comment on the system in order to avoid spam bots that perform
Show profile images on comment : to show the profile picture of the commentators who have a blog on blogger
Comment Notification Email : to get notifications from blogger via email if there is leave a comment
5 . Menu Settings - > Archiving
pulau tidung Frequently archive : to set the frequency of filing . For example archives daily, weekly or monthly
Enable Post Pages : enable post pages for each article
6 . Menu Settings - > Site Feed
Allow Blog Feed : to determine the number of characters article sent via RSS Feed or Email Feed
Post Feed Redirect URL : Feed URL to fill in your address . If you have not got dikosongin aja
Post Feed Footer : to fill the additional text on the feed
7 . Menu Settings - > Email & Mobile
BlogSend Address : post to get sent to your email address every time you post on your blog .
Email posting address : to determine which blogger email address you want. So that you can post articles directly to your blog via email . Note : Do not tell this email address to anyone else . If not , other people can post articles on your blog .
Mobile Devices : In order to post articles to your blog pulau tidung via MMS or SMS from your phone . How to read the register and its use here
8 . Menu Settings - > OpenID
OpenId : In summary , OpenID sort your identity on the internet . With OpenID you can get into the different websites that support OpenID without entering your username and password as usual . Further information about OpenID read here aja ya
9 . Menu Settings - > Permissions
Blog Authors : allow others to wisata pulau tidung participate in your blog post . Authors I click Add and enter the email addresses of people who would be invited and then click Invite
Blog Readers : to control who can read your blog article
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