Sabtu, 02 November 2013

Fungsi Categories dan Tags Pada WordPress

jasa seo murah Who ya do not know google + ? really too especially if a blogger buddy . who already know do not forget to add in the add tar gw ya deh behind ( seduce dot com ) hehe .. from yesterday ngebahas blackhat forums Mulu this time I want ngebahas little about the function of google plus in SEO .
One of the advantages of WordPress than other blogging platforms are a useful taxonomy for classifying post , taxonomy that we know as the Categories and Tags , can only be added to the post , there is no facility to add category and tag on the page .
Categories In WordPress

Post categories for grouping based on linkages and relationships ( topic / theme / about) , is useful to inform the reader about what the post . Categories also make it easier to find content blog visitors , similar to the function categories for grouping tags but more general .

Categories are usually displayed at the top or bottom of the post , depending on the theme being used , can also be displayed in the widget is placed on the sidebar . The most visible difference between the tags are hierarchical categories , where one category ( sub category ) may be part of another category ( parent category ) . Depicted in the following scheme :

Parent Category > Sub Category 1 > Sub Category 1.1 > Sub Category 1.1.1
whether you know the term is often used in android ? When you are in a forum or being in a conversation with your friends and discuss about android , a lot of the terms used and you are obliged to know . Let us share a term often used in the android

= Android Package APK , kyk IPA on the iPhone ( for iPhone pngguna ) , SIS and SISX on Symbian s60 (I do not really know , skrg still use the extension sis or not ) , or JAR on BB ( for BB users ) and other java based devices . In essence , file2 with extension . Apk can be used to install applications on android device .

Adb = command in the command bridge for android via pc , including parts if adb shell command adb .. there are a lot of extensions , such as adb push , adb pull , adb install etc. ,
Terms can adb adb path = driver must be installed on the pc sdh , usually in the device manager (windows ) will look andoid composite adb devices, adb drivers usually from the vendor of the device's .. klo nexus , htc magic , dream can use the default driver usb .. . reply to motorola milestone of cd luggage or use motorola software update .

Adb.exe = can be taken from the sdk ( dah include didlm android sdk ) .. in the folder tools , to determine the function either with typing adb command " adb help"

Adb shell logcat = made ​​aware that the process occurs diandroid , very useful when flashing rom experiment .

Augmented Reality = technology that combines the virtual objects jasa pembuatan toko online murah  and two- dimensional or three-dimensional into a real three- dimensional environment and projecting the virtual objects in real time . Unlike virtual reality which completely replace the reality , but only adds Augmented Reality or complete reality .

Virtual objects display information that can not be accepted by the user with their own senses . This makes it suitable Augmented Reality as a tool to help users perception and interaction with the real world . The information displayed by the virtual objects helps users carry out activities in the real world .

Apps2SD = process move / save apps to SDCard in addition to the internal memory .

AOSP = Android Open Source Project , this is the code name given to release Google Android different . Remarks by the following example may be more obvious . For example , Google released the Android HP NEXUS and use the original ROM developed by Google itself . Then Samsung , HTC , LG uses the Android AOSP code earlier and modify them as necessary . Modifications can be done on the interface and display for example Samsung Touchwiz , HTC Sense , Motorola motoblurr and others. CyanogenMod is a custom ROM on the terms of an example google AOSP code .

Beta = A trial version , which means THIS NOT PERFECT

Boot = Process handheld switch .

Bootloader = combined SPL and IPL which became the basis of a device dr .

Bootloader Mode - fastboot load = Camera + Power button , on the boot mode , we can install a system of existing image / put in SDcard by pressing the Power button again .

Bootloop boot = device continuously ( repeatedly) / stuck in bootanimation , can not get into the OS . Due to improper flashing or there are files that do not belong to the system running well .

Busybox = a toolbox which is popular with linux commands like for example : cp , mv , and others . Can only be used on HH that already has administrator privileges or " rooted " Android phone . ( Kayak sort of order form )
BW = bandwidth

BWK = bandwidth killer ( the term is used when running applications that are online and suck a very large bandwidth )

BRICK ( ed ) = condition dmana device is not able to be recovered , so it could be considered like a brick ( brick) which can digunakanuntuk pasang iklan baris gratis tanpa daftar ngelempar dog ( if dbutuhkan ) ..

BSOD = Blue screen of death

Cache2SD = The process of moving / storing Cache from ROM to SDCARD .

CIF = Common Intermediate Format , alat bantu sex is a standard format resolution photo / video which shows the size of the amount of horizontal and vertical pixels .
CIF is derived from :
SQCIF ( Sub Quarter CIF ) = 128 x 96
QCIF ( Quarter CIF ) = 176 x 144
CIF = 352 x 288
4CIF ( 4x CIF ) = 704 x 576
16CIF ( 16x CIF ) = 1408 x 1152
DCIF ( Double CIF ) = 528 x 384

Cupcake ( cupcake ) = Google's internal code name for the Android OS version 1.5 .

= CPU stands for Central Processing Unit or Central Processing Unit . In general , we often refer to it as the processor .

CWM ( Clock Work Mod ) = replacement for the default android recovery tool that is used to install costum rom , and backup features , this application originally created by Koush , to set the ROM on Android phone . CWW 's many uses one of them to backup and restore application , delete ( wipe ) the data in the system and in the cache ( Dalvik ) . Usually required to install ( flashing ) new ROM , running or off Voodoo Lagfix kernel etc. .

CM = Cyanogen Mod , developers who modify the ROM

Dalvik = special name for the Java peluang usaha online program in the Android virtual machine ( VM ) that runs the command code android application . Each application runs in the Dalvik VM and not affect directly to the Android operating system . If such an application ' broken ' , then only the Dalvik VM for applications where it is not working .

Diagnostic Mode = Capture + Power Button . boot mode to test (using the volume buttons to select an item ) .

Donut ( Doughnut ) = Google's internal code name for the Android OS version 1.6 .

Deodex = Process Deodexing nutshell is the process of repackaging the APK ODEX in a certain way . The packing process will be files with CLASSES.DEX . By doing DeOdexing , all packets from the previously separate APK united again in one APK file , thus eliminating the anxiety that the modified APK will conflict with some of the others are ODEX.Dengan files , ROM has been deodexed , has a package of applications that have been made ​​in the back in an APK file , thus allowing modification of the APK file as the theme changes . Since there is no code / part application package location is different then the package integrity is maintained.

Download Mode = The process is usually done using Odin to flash the ROM . Press Volume down + Home + Power until the screen ' Download Mode ' ( yellow) appears . Connect the USB cable to the computer and open Odin . In the Odin window will be a box to indicate alat bantu sex Odin has a cell phone and be ready to recognize the flashing process . Images can be seen below .

Google Eclair = internal code name for the Android OS version 2.0 and 2.1 .

Ext2 / Ext3 / Ext4 = bisnis online Format partition on linux , like FAT32 and NTFS on windows .

Froyo ( Frozen Youghurt - Youghurt frozen ) = Google's internal code name for the Android OS vesion 2.2 .

Fastboot = Tool that is used for flashing the system image to the handheld computer dr .

Firmware = software built from a digital device , such as mobile phone , psp etc.

Flash = The term is almost the same as the Flash is installed but not exactly the same . The process of transferring data to flash ROM , Kernel , Recovery or package into the internal ROM firmware in obat pembesar penis android.

Framework : basic displays the firmware , such as the battery bar , signal bar , notification bar .

Gal *** = Abbreviation of HH samsung Android output , example : Galmin for Galaxy Mini , Gal Galaxy Note for Note

GUI = Graphical User Interface , application interfaces that are more graphic ( images )

GPU = Graphics Processing Unit , a special prossesor for 3D graphics part of the microprocessor . This tool is used in embedded systems , mobile phones , computers pribadis , workstations , and game consoles . Modern GPUs are very efficient at manipulating computer graphics and parallel structure , making it more effective than general CPU functions in use for many- calculation algorithm . On a personal computer ( PC ) , are common GPU video card or dimotherboard . More from desktop and notebook computers have integrated GPUs , which are usually far than the one on the video card .

GMS = Google Market Services , where his aplikasi2 download obat pembesar penis on Android ( like in iphone apps store , in BB appworld )

GPS ( Global Positioning System ) = location determination system based on satellite signals which will produce information in the form of coordinates, latitude and location on the map . It takes three components in determining the location of the satellites , a GPS receiver and hitch -free position .

Google Honeycomb = internal code name for the Android OS vesion 3.0, ordinary dgunakan for tablets

HH ( HandHeld ) = A moving equipment , also known as mobile phone equipment , handheld device , handheld computer , palmtop or handheld device only - is a pocket -sized computer equipment , which has a display screen with touch input or a miniature keyboard . For personal digital assistant ( PDA ) the input and output combined into a touch-screen interface . Smart phone ( Smartphone ) and PDA are very popular among the people who need the help and comfort of a conventional computer . Enterprise digital assistants can expand the functionality available to business users by offering integrated data capture services such as barcode readers , RFID and Smart Card .

IMAP = Internet Message Access Protocol , a protocol to retreive than POP3 email .

ICS ( Ice Cream Sandwich ) = Google's internal code name for the Android OS vesion 4.0 , OS dlengkapi with lock.apk face .

Install = Install the application on the system .

Jit ( just in time) = the sort of tweaking android jit so the CPU and I / O devices can work a maximum

Jellybean = Google's internal code name for the Android OS pulau pari vesion 5.0 .

Kernel = Kernel function is as a bridge between the Operating System ( OS ) and hardware . In other words , the kernel serves as a link between cell phone software with Android hardware.Dalam context , the kernel also store information for hardware drivers . The kernel can therefore be replaced with the flashing process to improve the performance of Android hardware , such as overclocking , maximizing the ability of the sound , graphics and others.

Maemo N900 = type of operating system is implanted by nokia , OS one of its Linux distro .

Miley = nickname for Milestone , one of his improvised android Motorola .

NAND : The type of flash memory used in handheld , the type of flash memory that is used in the pulau pari HTC Dream , the term is commonly used interchangeably with the phrase ROM ,

Nandroid : utility for making that using that image for backup and restore .

NAND Backup copy = Process system ( which in Android called ' Image ' ) , including information on Android OS partition . This process does NOT backup Kernel and Recovery system .

Normal Mode : turn on the handheld normal way .

Nokia N900 = 900 series ( for nokia series can be installed android as the OS of a third party )

N1/Nexus One = google first android based phone made ​​by HTC

OTA ( Over The Air ) = Over The Air , a method of data pengiriminan , obat aborsi official updates provided by the provider or the manufacturer directly to the user's mobile phone . With these OTA HP you can find out if the latest update as : Firmware , Profile , PRL ( Profile Roaming List) and Android . OTA update process usually applies only to stock ROM . If your phone already diroot advised to NOT TO UPDATE through OTA . Most of the users are already meroot HP reported no such problems : bootloop , hang and even jamming brick . Usually someone using that term activity update ( download mgkn lainna term ) ,

Odex = In the file systems of Android , the application form with the extension package APK . APK application packet or ODEX file which has a real function is to save storage space . ODEX file is actually a collection of parts of the application that are optimized before booting process . By doing so , the ODEX file would speed up the process of loading the BOOT as part of the existing aplikasi2 . On the other hand , the ODEX complicate the process of hacking the APK , because some parts of the obat telat bulan APK has been extracted and the others are located in the location before execution .

Partitions divide the external memory = Divide miraculous part .

POP3 = Post Office Protocol 3 , one of the TCP / IP port 110 in the draw email .

Her green robot = nickname for android , android as its logo -shaped robot and its color green * cmiiw *

Ratjoen / poison = temptation that is spread person to one product .

Root = super user on any OS ( in this case Android ) and nge - root = process to change the privilage of normal user to become root .

Recovery Mode = Home + Power button , on the boot mode , we can open the shell .. to flash image .. make a Backup and Restore . Sign Call + Menu + Power dr several times to exit this mode ,

Resolution = Number of pixels per unit length image , usually DNG unit dpi ( dot per inch ) pixel , 300 dpi unt dcontohkan conversion pixel = 1/300 inches = 1/300 * 2:54 cm = 0.00847 cm

ROM = Read Only Memory , an area of the flash memory could not be " alat bantu sex written / completed " , commonly used in computer memory ( where BIOS ) that does not require power to menyimpen data. In the mobile ( Android ) , here is the internal memory ROM where the OS ( Android ) is stored . So ROM for Android phones to say where / OS capacity and sometimes directly identified with the version of the OS itself . Process will change the total flash ROM on the Android OS and Kadan including Kernel and Recovery mode .

Officially ( Stock ) ROM consists of 3 components : OS , Kernel and Recovery and several integrated applications to run Android . ROM is created not by Google usually called Custom ROM and of course comes from the Stock ROM Custom ROM dimodifikasi.Orang made ​​to incorporate Kernel ( Stock or Custom ) , Recovery ( Stock or Custom ) , additional applications depending on the manufacturer .

RAM = Random Access Memory , is a type of computer storage whose contents can be accessed in a alat bantu sex fixed time not considering the location of the data in memory . This contrasts with sequential memory devices , such as magnetic tape , disk and drum , in which the mechanical movement of the storage medium forces the computer to access data sequentially .

Safe Mode = Menu + Power Button , handhelds boot normally but without registration with Google , Food aplikasi2 related denganna going to function gk (Map , Gmail account , Market , etc ) .

SPL = Secondary Program Loader ( like rich BIOS - Basic Input Output System ) , the second part consists of a bootloader .

Screen Capture / SS ( Screen Shoot ) = term in android to take a picture / screen shot using the usual desired third-party applications or home and power button .

Facilitate performance swap = RAM ( rather than adding RAM ) , jd there will be no increase in the benchmark results DLL . This is generally used on hp with low RAM (eg, RAM 128/256 ) for so it can run more app ( multitasking ) while for the DS 512 this amount of RAM is enough to run a multitasking on froyo 2.2 ( may not be enough in honeycomp 3.0 ) tp we still get a DS that use swaps in a lightweight RAM performance ( with the assumption can save battery power ) speed class 6 sdcard same may be said with the speed of internal memory , jd when the system pulau tidung uses swap that is available there will be no lag .

Tweaks = a facility ( utility ) is available on the operating system or process that can optimize the performance of the operating system .

Wipe data / factory reset = same as factory reset

Wipe cache partition = delete partitions on SDCard

Widget = one of its GUI applications that are more interactive

VGA = Video Graphics Array , is
standard resolution chart (photo / video ) newer introduced by
IBM . VGA standard size is 640 x 480 pixels .
from VGA is :
Your question regarding the term in android you do not find here ? Please use the search engine below

Written by Unknown
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At no tags hierarchy of this kind , then there is no parent tag and sub ​​tag . Each post must be determined its category , if we do not define the post WordPress will insert it in the category " Uncategorized " .
Tags In WordPress

Tags function similar to categories , namely to group posts based on linkages and relationships , tags are useful for grouping more specific than categories . Tags also facilitate visitors find the blog post with a similar theme . Tags are also displayed at the top or bottom of the post after categories . Tags should not be given in the post , but did not tag a post is tantamount to wasting useful facility .
Using Categories and Tags In Posts

For example, we write a blog about movies , " films " , " series " , " mini- series movie " and " ftv " can be used as a category . While the genre of films such as " comedy " , " obat telat bulan drama " , " action " , " horror " is also the name of the artist as " Hugh Jackman " , " Robert De Niro " , " Zac Efron " , " Charlize Theron " suitable for use as a tag .
Effect of Categories and Tags In SEO

Each category and the specific tag , has its own page that contains a snippet of a post- post category and tags associated with it . Google to index those pages also follow the link on that page, a blog with lots of category and tag that is really relevant to the content of the post has a good visibility on search engine websites ( due to quantity anchor text / internal link ) .

Not infrequent visitor will find our blog content from search engines , and it is the page content category or tag . Wherever possible add descriptions on category and tag on our blog because it really helps the visitor to select the snippet shown a website search engine . Taxonomy is only influential in SEO Google , other search engines like Bing and Ask are not to index and do not follow links on the page taxonomy .

obat telat bulan Bener ga sih google plus influence on our blog ranked in Google search engine ?
Effect of Google Plus for SEO is a claim from google themselves know , they say that the more visitors who recommend home page or article that has been installed google plus button it will give effect to the ranking of their website in search engines . In other words, from the hundreds of factors that affect search engine optimization show up an extra one other factor that Google Plus ( Google+ ) .

Curious ? ? hehehe .. after googling2 and do a little experiment . gw another chance fad bandwagon contest Indonesian BlackHat Forum nih hehe .. I daftarin his two second blog but i love backlink only one who I google + pairs .

hmm .. continued to sob gmn result ? ? you know .. you know fairly ga ya : p

Ya i quote a statement from webmaster central blog :

We expect that these personalized annotations will help sites stand out by showing users roomates search results are personally relevant to them . As a obat telat  bulan  result , +1' s could increase of both the quality and quantity of traffic to the sites people care about .

But the +1 button is not just for search results . We're working on a +1 button that you can put on your pages too , making it easy for people to recommend your content on Google search without leaving your site .

understand guns immediately wrote in transtool ndiri ya : D

In essence , Google Plus is one of the weapons used google to improve the quality of their search , as more and more people recommending this sector in the article that there is a website would be more relevant to the desired by google optimization pengunjung.So let plusnya sob : D

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Unknown mengatakan...

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